Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does a good workout must consist of being out of breath and sweating?

Lately i have been using a 5lb hoop to hula hoop in order to lose weight and burn some fat. The thing is when i use the 5lb hoop i don't really feel tired, or get out of breath

I also have a 3lb hoop and that makes me sweat so i tend to split half hr for each hoop.

I am also cutting down on my calories intake by eating little..i would have a piece of fruit before each meal and just eat when im feeling hungry so im not really starving myself.

My main concern is that do u have to sweat and be tired to know that u are losing weight; i have read so many articles that i dont no wat is wat because if this is the case- im gona have to think of doing other activities; probably like jump roping cos i hear that is good.

Thank you in advanced!
Does a good workout must consist of being out of breath and sweating?
If your heartrate is increased and you're a little out of breath and sweating, you know your workout is doing you some good!
Does a good workout must consist of being out of breath and sweating?
What you need to do is up your metabolism level. To do so quite simply eat a balanced diet, drink plentiful water and eat plentiful fruit and vegetables. When an increase in metabolism occurrs keep the diet you are on at the time(you may need to go through a couple of diets to find one that suits you). Also keep a regular and frequent exersising pattern(but don't push it because your fat will just be replaced by muscle which looks exactly the same.

you don't have to sweat and feel tired to get a long term work out!

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