Monday, March 15, 2010

I see the stars on live TV dancing and not sweating AT ALL! how is that possible? anyone?

i sweat a lot all over ... under my arms pit... specialy when i am out clubbing ... the good thing is there's no bad smell.. just lots and lots of water.. a person told me I should drink less water the day i have to go out but i don't think that's a very good idea.. i am not fat i work out i'm 5'11 and 80 kg so around 170 180 pounds.

any ideas ... thanks a lot.
I see the stars on live TV dancing and not sweating AT ALL! how is that possible? anyone?
Hey, I know exactly what you're talking about! it's called hyperhidrosis and i have it too! There's no cure for it, but there is a treatment, and it's called Maxim. You can get it at it might seem really expensive at first but think about it this way- it's only $20 to get all your self-confidence back! The website says that a bottle lasts 2-3 months but my first bottle lasted about 9 months. i have been sweat puddle free for about 1 1/2 years!

good-luck, hope i helped!
I see the stars on live TV dancing and not sweating AT ALL! how is that possible? anyone?
Part of the reason why you don't see many stars perspiring is because what you see is 'tv magic' another reason could be that stars do practice and practice constantly until it becomes second nature. For instance, when I worked outside of the home, I had to climb four flights of stairs to get to my office and I would perspire a little and would be out of breath. After a while (about a month or so) I got accustomed to the 'workout' and would breeze up the stairs with no problem and hardly loose my breath.
Reply:Yo. were on the same club! I mean, I am 5'11 and 180 pounds...hehe...I dont sweat when I dance though, and thats what I do for a living, maybe its the average of dancing you do...or its depending on the person.
Reply:no, you should be fine. drinking water is very healthy and unless you're drinking way more than enough, its a bad idea to stop. maybe you should bring an extra shirt or something when you go so you can change after you've started to sweat.

as for the stars, its nearly impossible to just sit under those tv lights and not start sweating. idk how they do it.
Reply:I think there are two explanations. One, the stars may be in better cardiovascular condition so they sweat less. Two, they are sweating, but television does not have high enough resolution to pick it up, plus I'm sure there are make-up and costume tricks to make sweating less obvious.

Not drinking water to avoid sweating is a really bad idea. At best it would be uncomfortable. At worst it could cause heat exhaustion.

Don't sweat it.
Reply:If the venue is air conditioned then there's less chance of sweating.

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