Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to avoid sweating in sports?

why would you avoid sweating??? sweating is great on detoxing your body, one of the main reason for excersizing...I confused...
How to avoid sweating in sports?
Unless the sport is swimming, waterpolo, or some other water sport, not sweating will cause you to quickly overheat.
How to avoid sweating in sports?
Don't do them.

If you work hard, you will sweat. What's the big deal, anyway? It's how the human body deals with overheating, so how is it a bad thing?
Reply:dont do anything.
Reply:I find just standing around helps quite a bit.
Reply:Why would you want to avoid sweating during sports? If it's grip... Look for a product that will keep the grip on your hands like chalk or wear gloves. If it's smell. Lots of deodorants out there.. If none work. Ask your DR.. Other than that. Sweat comes with a hard days work. It's Attractive on anyone if they are working hard. A good hot shower with some soap and you are ready for the close ups... nothing wrong with sweating. Just be sure to drink lots of water and some sports drinks to keep hydrated.
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