Sunday, March 14, 2010

Raised temperature and sweating after taking paracetomol for flu? Is this normal?

paracetamol reduces a temperature so you will be losing heat through sweating.

sweating and temperature are a normal part of the flu.
Raised temperature and sweating after taking paracetomol for flu? Is this normal?
Paracetemol tablets take approx 20 mins to get into system. Take them 4 hourly and see if this helps.

If you are still feverish after 1-2 days I would suggest you seek further medical advice.
Raised temperature and sweating after taking paracetomol for flu? Is this normal?
paracetamol will lower the temperature if u take 2 tabs every 4-6 hrs. if u dont feel any better in a few days spesk to the pharmasist he will b able to recomend something a little stronger,, sweating and raised temperature is all part of flu. real flu takes you off your feet and puts u in bed, its not nice hope u feel better soon
Reply:To quote Pheobe Buffay 'Death Capsules' have you ever read the side effects on them things possible they cause more than they fix.

BUT i'm sure your fine sorry to scare you.
Reply:yes same happened to me every time i took something to reduce my temperature it raised and i felt crap for a sort time

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