Thursday, March 11, 2010

Iv had night sweating last week, and then again late this week.?

Is it anything serious. I have been out of my home staying in a hotel whyll my house is beinjg painted for the last 3 weeks. also i have been going to football conditioning this week. which im not used too.
Iv had night sweating last week, and then again late this week.?
go to a doctor and be thoroughly examined. if you have a cough and spitting out blood, it may be suggestive of tuberculosis. if you are having weakness and temperature and joint pains, some blood diseases will have to be considered. i suggest not to wait until symptoms flare up. if you have been going to footbal conditioning (have to admit i am not too sure what this is), you may simply be suffering from fatigue. either way, better safe than sorry. hope this helps
Iv had night sweating last week, and then again late this week.?
What in the World are you babbling about?
Reply:well, not being used to the training could casue you to be fatigued but I don't think it could or should casue you to sweat at night. Has it been extra humid at night? That could do it.

Have you been on a new medicine? That happened to me.

Instead of changing the med that made me sweat they just gave me another med!

Do you have lots of nightmares about football? Maybe anxiety?

Other than that I have no idea. Check with your Dr.

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