Friday, October 9, 2009

What does excessive sweating during/after exercise signify?

I'm male, 6'1' about 170, and I soak shirts playing raquetball or running while others don't seem to sweat as much. Also, I can play raquetball for a few hours, come home, take a shower, and my back will sweat so much it soaks my t-shirt. This happens at least half an hour or more AFTER playing.
What does excessive sweating during/after exercise signify?
In a typical workout session, particularly throwing the cardio you are doing into the mix, your body releases a pound (16 ounces) or more of water per hour. Make sure this is replenished. Drink plenty of water throughout your workout and continue throughout the day.

If you continue to sweat, it is likely that you are not doing a cool down period at the end of your raquetball and your metabolism is working in high gear. Take time to cool down and see if that helps.

Our bodies are composed of 60-75% water. It is vital for peak body functions. It washes away toxins, helps metabolize body fat while reducing hunger (relationship to kidney and liver functions and metabolizing fats), regulates water within the body (reduces water retention from salts which makes you have that bloated feeling. This is a bit like fasting, your body will shut down and not burn calories. When not taking in enough water, your body will retain it.) Water helps keep your bodily functions regular and helps digest foods, helps wash away burned fat deposits鈥?br>

You need to drink 12 ounces of water for every 20 pounds of bodyweight; if you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages; you need to match your caffeine intake ounce-by-ounce to balance its effects. Another 鈥榝ormula鈥?is your bodyweight and divide it in half as the number of ounces you should drink daily. These are both pretty close to one another and is easy math!

Here鈥檚 a simple to test to check out your body hydration: Pinch the top of your hand with your thumb and index finger 鈥?pull it up and let it go! If it settles slowly like pancake batter, you are likely dehydrated, if it pops back down and is elastic, you are doing just fine. GOOD LUCK!
What does excessive sweating during/after exercise signify?
sweating is how the body attempts to decrease the core temperature. there are many variable as to why we sweat, how much and when. genetics and hydration levels have the biggest effect with environmental factors (heat, ambient temperature, relative humidity, etc.) are also contributing factors.
Reply:Be thankful cause you are healthy.Some people would give anything for a good sweat.
Reply:Don't panic, you have a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B12. B12 is part of the B complex group of vitamins and is a water soluble vitamin. Therefore, the body cannot produce it and it needs to be replaced on a daily basis. You need to eat more foods that are rich in this vitamin or get yourself a Multi B complex supplement. The B group of vitamins work best syngeristically, hence my advice to buy them as a complex (all contained in one).

Other symptoms of this vitamin deficiency you may be having are irritability, moodiness, dizziness, depression, inability to concentrate, head and hand sweats, chest pains, heart palpitations, headaches, migraines, fatigue and exhaustion and oily facial skin. Not pretty is it??

Foods rich in this vitamin ie: yeast liver, eggs, mlk cheese and fish, kidney and pork.

Recommended daily intake for adults is 2mcg. For B12 to e properly assimilate through the stomach it is necessary to be combined with calcium during absorption to adequately enefit the body.

If you choose to use my excellent advice you'll be very pleased you did, relief from your symptoms will be very rapid, within a few hours or so.

So, get cracking, off you go and get those vitamins. You have nothing to lose, but your health I suppose and I guess a bit more sweat !!

Reply:If you are exercising really hard for long periods of time, it's perfectly normal to sweat. However, if you are sweating after doing little exercise for short amounts of time it is a red flag that you are out of shape.
Reply:That is normal.It depends of one's way to eliminate toxins out of the body.

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