Monday, October 5, 2009

Not sweating when working out?

Hi, When I work out (weight lifting) I don't really seem to sweat much, I usually work out for about 1h30mins. and I usually don't sweat much. %26amp; I work very hard when I exercise. Could it be that I don't drink enough water before?

Not sweating when working out?
Yes, you could be dehydrated.
Not sweating when working out?
Maybe you have a thryroid problem
Reply:Yeah your getting dehydrated
Reply:Could just be that your sweat glands are underactive. I don't sweat either - really. I can sit in a hot sauna and not break a sweat! Just be careful, it isn't healty. Sweat is your body's way of cooling down, so if you don't sweat you run a greater risk of heat related problems. Continue to hydrate and pay more attention to your body temperature. There isn't anything you can do to make your body sweat.
Reply:Some people just don't sweat that much. Or maybe you are used to your routine and it really isn't that hard on your body. Try increasing your activity and see if that makes a difference.
Reply:yeah... sounds weird but you want to keep an eye on your should be really light when you go. If it's a darker color, then you need to drink more water. If your pee is light colored and clear and you're not sweating much, then maybe you just aren't much of a sweater.
Reply:You either are in very good shape or maybe you need to pump up your workout, otherwise you are wasting the hour and a half that you are using to workout. You could also try drinking more water, that could make a difference.
Reply:Several things. I don't know if the amount of water you consume has anything to do with how much you sweat, because sweating is the body's way of disposing heat. You have a nice long work-out, so you must be in incredible physical shape and very strong. I have also know through personal experience that certain forms of exercise cause more perspiration then others.
Reply:check out your thyroid??
Reply:it could be a number of things dude! not enough liquids in your body,to many breaks between reps or what ever. i would ask your mum mums no everything,or ring the Governor of California Arnie will
Reply:nah. weight lifting? dont really make you sweat.
Reply:I did that too..Your dehydrated...You won't sweat if you have no water to give. Most people are dehydrated and don't even know it..

I layed out below what you need to do to ensure proper water intake.

Helpful Tips for weight loss:

1)A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watch

Keep to a 1,200 food intake

Add 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn't seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.

I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127

2) Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.
Reply:If you're not sweating much - you might be totally dehydrated. Especially if (as you say) you're working VERY HARD with your weights for that 90-minutes.

Are you in a freezing cold environment, perhaps?? Like sitting directly in front of a hard-blowing a/c unit -- it could also be that your sweat is evaporating off your body quick enough that you're not "dripping with sweat" ... on the other hand - some people don't get to that level of perspiration.

Maybe you're just expecting RIVERS of sweat to be running off your body - and you're just not built that way under those temperature conditions.

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