Friday, October 9, 2009

Sweating - is this normal and/or common?

Weird, but for as long as I can remember, I only really sweat and need deodorant under *one* arm. The other armpit just never needs it. Is this normal and ok? Does it mean I have some sort of blockage or something?

No other symptoms, just one sweaty armpit and one that is always dry and fresh.
Sweating - is this normal and/or common?
Most likely you simply have more sweat glands in one armpit than the other. As long as you can cool down effectively after working out, there is probably no reason to be too concerned. Sweat glands can become clogged, but when this happens they often swell up and are sensitive.
Sweating - is this normal and/or common?
I kind of have the same thing actually. Under my left arm. I don't think it's anything really big.

If your arm falls off or something. Then be worried.LOL.

But I think it's nothing!
Reply:It is common to have one arm pit sweat more than the other. It is just like one boob being bigger than the other, nothing about the body is perfect.

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