Friday, November 6, 2009

Does Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) - Ever wear off ?

It depends on what is causing it. If you have had a spinal
Does Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) - Ever wear off ?
If you are a teenager then almost certainly it will in the meantime try to wear natural materials - not nylon or man made fibres - cottons are cooling.

If you are having particular trouble with your feet try to wear cotton rich socks and leather shoes. A good way of reducing foot odour which comes with hyperhidrosis is to use a diluted form of surgical spirit and wipe daily especially between the toes, however if you have any cracks or splits on the feet and between the toes use a cream to heal and then use surgical spirit diluted, daily to start with then at least three times a week.
Does Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) - Ever wear off ?
No. Sometimes it is hormonal and can fluctuate through different periods of your life but for the most part, hyperhidrosis is a permanent condition.

Your Somatic nervous system is causing the hyperactivity of sweat glands. It's that cut and dry. There are natural remedies though.

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