Sunday, March 14, 2010

What causes excessive sweating especially i under the arms and forehead?

Hi there--Extreme sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be treated by a dermatologist. But keep in mind that you want to first determine if you are sweating excessively as a result of an underlying medical condition or as a side effect of medication you are taking (anti-depressants are big sweat producers).

If you have "primary" hyperhidrosis then that means that your sweatiness is causesd simply by the medical condition--hyperhidrosis--and not as a result of something else. In that case, there are new and effective treatments out there, so you really don't need to deal with this all by yourself. If you go to the International Hyperhidrosis Society's web site you can learn all about the condition (which, by the way affects 176 million people world wide, and is thought to be genetic), and the treatment choices you have. You can also find a doc there that is familair with HH plus subscribe to a newsletter that will let you know when there are new developments, and/or how to get free stuff.

To treat underarm and face HH you basically have these options:

1.) Strong anti-perspirants like Secret Clinical Strength (used RIGHT makes all the difference. Check out the IHHS site for tips)

2.) Botox (lasts for at least 6 months and insurance often pays.)

3.) Combination of the above for the best (and most cost effective) plan for you.

Don't consider surgery because of the crazy risks associated with it like compensatory sweating (massive sweating on large parts of your body) plus other complications that are way too common for my comfort level. And don't believe the hype that it's reversible. There have been no reported, published cases of reversals being successful.

If you're a teen, contact and ask for their Teen Sweat book, they will send it to you free. It has great info and how-tos to make excessive sweat a thing of the past. Remember, there are no cures--YET. But there are good options to manage the sweatiness so you can live your life more fully. Good luck fellow sweater!
What causes excessive sweating especially i under the arms and forehead?
Sounds like overactive sweat glands.
What causes excessive sweating especially i under the arms and forehead?
Yeah, your sweat glands are active. There's nothing you can do so just maintain good hygiene.

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